
Monday, September 19, 2016

Investment: Commit in Order to Earn a Return

     If you've been following my blogs, you've seen posts about my missions adventures this year. If you haven't, you can find them here, here and here. And while I've posted plenty of pics and given logistics and details, I also wanted to post about the heart of our trip.....

     Excitement is always high on travel day. The untranslatable Swedish word 'Resfeber' defines it best:
"The restless beat of a traveler's heart before the journey begins,
a mixture of anxiety and anticipation." 

The unknown future fuels our expectations and we wait with baited breath to see the end result. And then at the end of our journey we know. It's now history and thus, a part of our story. Each new experience and each new destination forms our life, our character, and who He wants us to be.
     For me, this year's adventure was a little different. I found myself on a new continent, in new countries and in a new position. New sights to experience. New challenges to embrace. New opportunities to seize and fresh outlooks to receive. And while "the new" adds a twist into any experience, our goal is basically the same any time we head out in His name. Make Him known.

     The gospels of Matthew and Luke record a story: a bit different in each version, but the same story regardless. The Master leaves something of great value with each of his servants (some received more, some received less), and then returns after a prolonged absence expecting the servants to've applied themselves and made a profit on the talents in their care. Some did, some did not. But to those who DID, more was given. There are many ways to look at that story and define what those "talents" symbolize. Different analogies would apply and all would be pertinent in various situations, but for this post, I want to think of each of those talents as a person. After all, people and relationships are one of the most valuable things in life, right?

     As we headed out on our journey, I envisioned the Master placing many new "talents" in my hands. He asked me for investment and a return. Some returns I saw right away - others I may not see for years to come, - possibly never (in this life). But my job is to invest - I leave the results to Him. From one-on-one late-night talks with a young friend just met at camp, to track times with many young faces taking in every word that was spoken. That early morning photography hike with 4 teens when I really actually wanted to sleep for another 2 hours. :) But the joy & fulfillment I felt in each of these situations didn't compare to what I felt watching my team reach out and invest. Because when we invest in someone and then watch them turn around and invest, we see our efforts take on that multiplication aspect that keeps on giving.

     My heart still feels the warmth it felt in the moment when Maddie came running up with pure joy on her face as she exclaimed "Hannah invited Jesus into her heart tonight!" (I had watched with tears as she talked with her just moments before.)

     Or when I walked into the "mess hall" at lunch time to see Chase sitting at a table surrounded by campers as he told stories in the way only he can. He held their attention with ease.

     Or when I looked through my telephoto lens to see Lauren holding hands and offering counsel and comfort to a young girl in tears.

     Or watching Matt talk with and gently guide an overly boisterous kid as we hiked. Taking the time to invest when it wasn't necessarily easy.

     Or sitting in as Tara taught a lesson to 12 chattery girls and explained truths from the word so they could understand Him better.

     Or hearing from Amanda that a camper wanted to talk with her about "something" later. And then hearing before bed that the result of that encounter was the camper rededicating their life to the Lord.

     Or seeing Laurel share a room with campers who had no sponsor - stepping in and providing support and love for a roomful of girls.

     Or watching as Andrew prayed with two boys on the last night of camp. Setting an example of prayer that I hope those boys will remember for years to come.

         My prayer is that for each of those who were touched by someone on our team, they will turn around and reach out to someone else in need. To offer an encouraging word, a gentle touch, a prayer - or just a smile. Investment. What a joy to see my team exhibit these simple actions and much more. They represented Jesus well. He will always take our smallest efforts and turn them into great gains for the Kingdom.

Invest (verb): to involve or engage especially emotionally; to commit in order to earn a return.

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